this could have been just another saturday, if I hadn't felt like visiting the highway side ccd(cafe cofee day). Am feeling very lazy to write in detail. So lets keep it short this time. N to help my dear readers catch up with the series of events(which is quite common in my posts), lets start from the morning. Today is saturday, January 17th 2009. The day was ok, unlike past six weekends, am at home n doin nothin:). So to pass the day somehow, I visited a friend in the morning, had lunch with him. Spent couple of hours chattin about work, school friends, etc. Got few movies from him on his pen drive. It was already past 3. So decided to head towards the room, so that I can get into my cozy matress n watch some nice movie I just picked up. Rode back to room, decided to watch "Slumdog Millionare"(nice movie),....when the movie got over, it was already evening n outside it was quite dark....don't know whether due to the movie or due to sitting idle after such a long time, I was feeling very low n my head was also achin a to get out of this condition, decided to step out of the room, with roomie n a close pal....nearest chill out place would be the ccd:) no second thoughts, caught an auto(why auto, cause ther were 3 ppl n only one bike, duh!) to the coffee consisted of cafe mochas, samosas and the final touch was that of chocolate fantasy(sheer ecstacy..mmmmm). While sippin the coffee n chattin, it suddenly struck me that,
how bout a ride to the ccd outlet outside the city. It's been a while(since my brother left), since I got a chance to visit that place. Still remember how much fun it was to cruise on the highway at night(MISS YOU A LOT BRO, HOPE YOURE READIN THIS POST). A friend was excited to join, but it's not feasible to allow girls on such rides. So just kept quite till I get to plan up with some other friends(who usually ride with us). Went back to room, made few phone calls n bikes(& riders as well) were ready. It was time to roll.......

hope u enjoyed being the part of this ride........:)
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